Table of Contents
Om Anand Om,
Dear divine brothers and sisters of the universe, welcome to the 27th edition of the Sunyoga newsletter!
We are delighted to share inspiring stories from Sunyoga practitioners worldwide. This time, we bring insights from the Sunyoga Teacher Training Course in Lachipur. Rajendra Kulkarni reflects on his journey of deepening his understanding of Yam, Niyam, and the wisdom that Sunyogiji brings to his teachings.
We also share news from the Sunyoga Advanced Course in Malaysia. Participants from different backgrounds united and grew spiritually, creating a blissful family atmosphere. Their experiences vividly illustrate the transformative power of Sunyoga practice and collective energy, inspiring us all to continue our journey.
May these stories inspire and support your spiritual journey.
With love and blessings,
Axel and the Sunyoga Editorial Board
Sunyoga Teacher Training Course 15-21 September, Lachipur
by Rajendra Kulkarni
When I saw Sunyogi Umasankarji for the first time in the Sunyoga basic course, I immediately sensed his energy. I had the good fortune to spend time with a Siddh Mahatma, so I know about Siddha Mahatma’s energy. I know how it feels in the body and mind when you are in the vicinity of Siddha.
When Sunyogiji started teaching exercises, I realised there is a yogi in the physical body teaching…and willing to answer your questions.
Finding a yogi is very very rare, and he is willing to teach is a more rare happening.
Learning Sun meditation was relatively easy for me as I had been Sun gazing for quite some time, and getting its benefits was also easy.
The real tough time started when he started teaching Yam, Niyam, etc. First of all, what he was talking about was different from what had been written in the scriptures. Secondly, he spoke with a deep Bengali flavour and a heavy Bengali accent. This was tough to understand and all the more difficult to reconcile with what I already knew from the scriptures. As a result, I spent most of the time in the class, sleeping. I almost slept for the rest of the three days in the class.
I continued with my practice after the basic course. I read the Essence of Sunyoga. I could hardly understand the philosophical part of Sunyoga. I started getting a feeling that Sunyoga is nothing but just Sun meditation with Yam, Niyam, etc., pasted to it, and this pasting is not very strong. I felt Yam, Niyam, etc., are not really integral parts of Sunyoga. (However, after understanding Sunyoga better, I now can recognise how fundamental Yam and Niyam are for Sunyoga.)
But I continued my practice patiently.

Eventually, I enrolled in the advanced course. I was mentally prepared for not understanding Sunyogiji’s words and sleeping in class.
But to my surprise, I could understand his every word. His Bengali accent and flavour were the same, but I understood every word and its meaning. I was wondering, “How is this happening?” But then I realised I was able to connect to his energy. I could understand his words through his energy—all credit to my continued practice of Sun meditation!
The first major barrier between Sunyogiji and me to understanding the language was broken. But his concepts of Yam, Niyam, etc., were still beyond my apprehension.
My thirst for understanding Sunyoga remained unsatisfied.
When the teacher’s training course was announced, I immediately enrolled. My primary or rather sole intention was to understand the concepts of Sunyoga.
I am delighted to say that I have started understanding Sunyoga—many thanks to Sunyogiji and the course.
My insight about the course
Axel, a dedicated disciple of Sunyogi ji, started bombarding me with teacher training material within a few days of enrolling. It contained recordings of Yogi ji’s past teacher training classes, audio, videos, text files, pdf files, and PPT files—a treasure of very important knowledge. It gave me a summarised glimpse of the course.
But what happened in the course was beyond my expectations.
Yogi Ji was teaching, and we, as students, were learning. Roles were switched many times during the flow. Students became teachers and explained the slides of the PPT. Students led exercises, chakra meditation, and Sun meditation, too. Many sessions were concluded by students narrating what was discussed in the session in gist form.
The training started with Yam, Niyam. Yogi Ji explained it in detail and from different perspectives, too. This led to the conclusion that Yams were not actually Yams but fruits of following Yams.
And the Yam… is built into the Sun meditation practice itself. If we follow the Sun meditation instructions in toto, by word and in spirit, yam is automatically followed. That’s why sun meditation expedites the spiritual development process.
The best part of the course was when Yogi Ji forgot he was a teacher and became Guru or Yogi in complete form!

Sometimes, students asked questions, or sometimes, discussions led in a different direction, which triggered him to change his role and become a guru or yogi.
It happened many times in the course.
During such events,
— he narrated many incidents of his life,
— explained hidden wisdom in the scriptures,
— logic behind forms of various gods,
— science in the Puranas,
— What are Dharma and Adharma, and why do you need to take the side of Dharma or Adharma. You can not remain neutral,
— Concept of Ardha Nari Nateshwar,
— the bigger picture of happenings in the world…..
And many more subjects with plenty of stories.
The river of wisdom was flowing. How much one can take or absorb depends on one’s own comprehension.
Whenever it happened, everyone forgot about time and place..
At such events, I felt…. I was in Gurukul, sitting under a banyan tree and taking preaching from the Guru. They were such enlightening moments.
So to conclude, why the teacher’s training course?
To understand Sunyoga’s intricacies and thoughts behind its design, experience Yogi Ji’s presence and flow of wisdom.
It was an amazing experience.
Many of you are already practicing Sunyoga and reaping its benefits. But practising after thoroughly understanding its core will be all the more rewarding.
I strongly recommend doing the teacher’s training course as early as possible.
Sunyoga Advanced Course in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 24-30 September
Celine Koh
The Sunyoga Advanced Course occurred in the picturesque town of Mantin, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. This unique location provided the perfect backdrop for an exceptional gathering experience, bringing together a diverse group of local participants from various walks of life. Over several days, this multicultural group embarked on a profound journey of spiritual growth and shared experiences, fostering a blissful family ambience.
With Axel’s assistance, Swamiji Umasankar led the course well. Each participant faced moments of personal struggle and breakthroughs, supported by the group’s collective energy.
A highlight of the course was that the work team did meticulous planning and ran smoothly.
The itinerary and design of the Advanced Level 4 program are very relevant and inspiring. The daily routines for the seven days had managed to reset participants to observe the 5Ps.
Participants had the opportunity to perform Agnihotra prayers together. These practices created a conducive environment for the practice grounds.
The bonding among the participants was very well established, a blissful, peaceful atmosphere was felt, and there was a mutually respected relationship with this newly formed global family. Through the Global Family activity, the participants gained insights about the importance of paying respect and humility and connected deeply with one another. It has been felt, and I also realised how much it has helped lower one’s ego.
Through the daily morning sharing and afternoon debriefing sessions by Swamiji, he unconditionally shared with the participants his dedicated wisdom, shared numerous experiences through his spiritual journey and his encounterances with Mahavatar Babaji, guidance and relentless encouragement, motivating the participants to aim at the highest goal of Universal peace, stage +14 and not only strive to attain Samadhi even in this advanced level 4 course, these had helped participants to create a deep vacuum wanting to attain Samadhi despite challenges or darkness within, participants had seen to exert the efforts in the positive group condition to attain Samadhi experiences. Under Swamiji’s guidance, the participants navigated these intense experiences with dedication and determination to attain Samadhi experiences.
During the final day, participants shared their heartfelt experiences gained throughout the course. All participants expressed their desire to expand their consciousness to connect with the mother universe, strive to spread the benefit of Sunyoga to their contacts and work on building trust with their inner guru.
Swapan Interview Part 3 (of 4)
Babaji Statue
Swamiji was about to leave for his Sadhana for three years, so he gave me Babaji’s idol as a gift. He also gave an idol to Prasenjit. We decided to keep the idols in Swamiji’s office because Prasenjit and I had construction at our houses. The unexpectedness of this gift left me pleasantly surprised.
One day, Prasentjit asked me to take the idol back to my house, and I told him I would after I finished the construction and got a throne for the idol. When I got home that night, my mom told me someone had sent a throne. I was confused because I had never ordered or asked anyone for it. I wondered who had come and brought it. My mom told me, “One lady came and brought it for you. I asked her how much it cost, but she said nothing. She told me that my son would know everything. And then she left.” I felt anxious as I had no idea how that throne came and who sent it. But later, I brought the idol home and worshipped it.
I was trying to figure out how this miracle happened. I had talked about the throne that day with Prasenjit, and the throne came to my house that same day! This strange thing happened to me. I never told anyone about it. I worship Babaji’s idol, as do my parents. One week after this incident, my parents had to change that throne for a better one. I was inspired and grateful to see Babaji’s idol on a new and better throne. Namaskar!
These encounters with Babaji have profoundly influenced my spiritual journey and continue to inspire me daily.
Helping a beggar
There was one more incident. My heart was thrilled. The day was Purnima (full moon). I had heard that on this day if we donated something to people experiencing poverty, it would bring good luck to my life. I was driving a passenger that day and asked him if any beggar was near his house. Otherwise, I had to go to Ghatal to donate, as there were so many beggars. I was very eager to help someone in need. The following day, I went to Radhanagar, which is near my home. If I could find someone there, I would donate to him. But, unfortunately, I could not find anyone there. So, I came back to the Ashram. I asked Prasenjit, “Did you see any beggars? I didn’t see any beggars at Radhanagaar.” He said that he also didn’t see anyone. So, I told him that I wanted to go to Ghatal. He told me to do whatever my heart told me to do.
It was 1:20 pm already, and I was feeling hungry. I was fortunate to see one lady entering Ashram’s office. She was asking me, “Baba, give me some money. I need it. I am inferior.” I was so happy that I started to cry. Prasenjit was silently watching everything and was shocked about what was happening. I had been talking about a beggar the day before, and now one lady came directly into the Ashram asking for money! Swamiji heard my story. I gave the beggar 10 rupees. Then the beggar told me to give more than 10 rupees, to which I responded by providing the beggar with everything I had in my purse. I was so happy that Babaji had sent this beggar directly to me in the office. These are the incidents that happen to me. I am very thankful for this, as are Pranam, Babaji, and Maharaj. Dhanyavad.
Babaji saved my life
One time, a strange incident happened to me. It was 1 am when I went to drop Swamiji off at the airport. After dropping him off, I started returning home on the highway. I was near the Damodar River around 3:30 am and started feeling sleepy. I got so tired that I fell asleep while driving. While still sleeping, I realised that I needed to park my car and sleep, so I decided to park near a hotel and sleep in my car till I was rested enough to go home. But I was still sleeping while driving, so my car slowed down from the correct speed to 10 kph and six kph, like this, until my car was driving slowly.
Suddenly, I saw a car just like mine come up along the right side of my car. The driver was shouting at me, “Swapan, wake up! Wake up, Swapan! Don’t keep driving!” He continued to drive beside me and try to wake me up by shouting through my window. But I still hadn’t woken up. He kept driving beside me and shouting, “Swapan, wake up! Don’t drive anymore, Swapan. Wake up!” I got scared because this person didn’t know me, yet he was shouting my name. I didn’t know who or where he was from, but he had the same car and colour. Because I was still sleeping, I couldn’t see the driver—I could only see the car. I could hear him, but I could not see his face.
After a while, I finally woke up. The other driver shouted at me to drive safely, made a U-turn, and returned in the other direction. Still, I was scared. I didn’t know this person, yet he approached me, called my name and woke me up. He wasn’t even driving like I was—he went in another direction after I woke up. I told Swamiji all this because I was still tense about the situation. But I was also feeling happy because someone had woken me up. I asked Swamiji who it could have been. He replied, “Don’t you know who he is? Babaji came to you and woke you up. You were very sleepy, so he woke you up. You are fortunate.” This was the last time I experienced anything strange happening to me. Thank you for listening. Namaskar! Read the first part here and the second part here.
Good Land in Gujarat has been found for our VKU project
We hope you’re doing well and staying healthy. We are writing to share some exciting news about an opportunity we have discovered in Kachha, Gujarat—a beautiful piece of land with great potential for cultivating wheat, dal, vegetables, cattle, and fruits. This land could serve as a cornerstone for our Vasudaiva Kutumbakam Universe City, a society built beside the forest aligned with our vision of harmony and self-sustainability.
The cost of the land is approximately 500 acres at 20 CR. We believe this project is essential to safeguard the future of humanity, especially in these challenging times when the importance of community and sustainability is more critical than ever.
This is a humble request to seek your kind support. We are ready and eager to begin this project but need financial assistance to realise this vision. Every contribution will help us move closer to creating a peaceful, healthy, and enlightened living space for all.
Wishing you a peaceful, blissful, healthy and enlightened life.
New Videos
We have collected video from the first Univeral Peace conference recorded in 2005. We hope it will give you some good memories from one of our earlier conferences.
This next video was shared live in early September this year when Swamiji had a close encounter with a monkey at the Ashram rooftop.
The 24th Universal Peace Conference Palampur, 2024
Very soon: Universal Peace Conference in Palampur, 20-22 October
Prepare for a grand convergence of minds and hearts at the Universal Peace Conference in Palampur this October. For this year, we have gathered many top-level researchers and revered people.
This gathering celebrates peace, unity, and global harmony, where you can connect with like-minded individuals and visionary leaders committed to creating a better world.
Inspirational Talks: Listen to inspiring speakers from various fields share their insights on achieving world peace.
Cultural Exchange: Experience cultures and traditions that promote understanding and empathy.
Shared Vision: Contribute your voice and energy to a collective vision of a peaceful and harmonious world.
See our Schedule:
Booking accommodation/transportation, contact Dr Sureshji (+91) 9418046944
4-6 October 2024 – Sunyoga Acupressure Course (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
20-22 October 2024- Universal Peace Conference (Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, India +Online)
8-10 November 2024 – Sunyoga Basic Course (Level 1-3) (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh)
3-5 January 2025 – Sunyoga Basic Course (Level 1-3) (Vadodara, Gujarat)
9-11 January 2025 – Sunyoga Basic Course (Level 1-3) (Vadodara, Gujarat)
If you would like more details on how to register for our events, you can go to our event page.
If you feel Sunyoga and our work are helping individuals and humanity, please consider supporting our mission by donating.
All information can be found on our donation page.

Useful links
- Website:
- Odysee:
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- Telegram:
- Facebook:

Namaste,I would like to join basic course on Jan 3 to 5th vadodra
Not possible. The workshop is full but you can join the week after.