The most wonderful thing about it is how fast you get the results. (Samadhi experience)
Nishant HingeMarketing Professional
Through Sunyoga, the photons directly interact with the physical body like a two-way bio-internet.
Dr. Vikas Saxena Ex-Director DRDO
Sunyoga is a very effective and scientific system to achieve self-realization.
Dr. Chanchal BhattacharyyaAcupressure Expert
Mantra came in my mind, Guru Mantra. (Samadhi experience)
Sayee Adhikkumar Gore9 year-old student
Something was coming out of my heart chakra, I lost myself. (Samadhi experience)
Shreya Gotipamul13 year-old sttudent
I had an impressive blood sugar reduction following Sunyoga.
Ananda SurveDiabetes patient
Very nice page. I am happy to see everyone’s testimonials. I did not know we had such young people attaining Samadhi experience!
I am having tinnitus since last one year and also have a sensory neural hearing loss in both ears. Does sun yoga helpful in curing both these health issues on a permanent basis?
The possibility is there, especially combined practie of Sunyoga with Acupressure.