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Dear divine brothers and sisters of the Universe,
This month our patients have been tested to the maximum. We tried our best to get Swamiji to South America and were in contact with the visa offices daily for weeks. Ultimately, we obtained visas for Mexico and Europe, and now the people are waiting for him to imbibe his knowledge.
Swamiji is now giving his first course in the Americas (The Turtle Island), which is very exciting.
We also plan for several Sunyoga courses in September/October, so keep your eyes open not to miss these opportunities.
Axel and The Editorial Board
Om Anand Om.
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18 June – Mahavatar Babaji Meditation (Online)

2-4 June – Sunyoga Basic Course (Level 1,2 and 3) (Tulum, Mexico)
Level: 1,2 and 3
Teacher: Sunyogi Umasankar
Place: Orchid Beach House, Carretera Tulum-Boca Paila, Zona Hotelera Tulum, Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Contact: Azul Vivienne +529841455180
7-13 June – Sunyoga Level 4 Advanced Course (Austria)
Dates: 7-13 June (arrival 6)
Teacher: Sunyogi Umasankar
Contact: Andrea +43 664 5291351, Michaela +43 699 19027681, Bernd +43 664 828 70 32
16-18 June – Sunyoga Level 1,2 and 3 Basic Beginner Course (Austria)
Download PDF with all details (in English)
Download PDF with all details (in German)
Dates: 16-18 June (arrival 15)
Teacher: Sunyogi Umasankar
Contact: Andrea +43 664 5291351, Michaela +43 699 19027681, Bernd +43 664 828 70 32
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by Meena Bindal
Saying Sorry has become a fashion in today’s world but saying Sorry with repentance and compassion is useful.
When we make a mistake, become aware of it, and feel repentance, that makes us compassionate and sad. Only then the natural feeling of being Sorry is complete.
This is one way of feeling and saying Sorry, but there is an entirely new dimension of being Sorry.
You can say Sorry even when it’s not your mistake or wrongdoing. This you do to remove the sadness of the other person.
When anyone is angry or frustrated, he makes others uncomfortable. He, too, is feeling somewhat sad inside. So when we say Sorry to them, the sadness is converted into compassion, making him feel somewhat better.
My daughter was in her ninth month of pregnancy and was suffering from high blood pressure, which used to make her lose her temper now and then.
Instead of getting angry at her behavior, I felt compassion for her and used to say Sorry to her each time she got angry, and immediately, she used to calm down because her vibration used to rise with love and compassion.
Similarly, in case of any Fear, too, this works.
Fear also brings sadness, and when we say Sorry to the reason for the Fear, with love and compassion, it slowly dissipates.
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Report from 2023 Universal Peace Conference Day 2 Part 1:
Sovereignty and Power, Part 1: CHIEF PHIL LANE, JR.
Day 2 of the Universal Peace Conference began March 25th, 2023 with a photo montage of India by His Holiness Yogiraj Amarjyoti and then a blessing by Sri UmaSankar was shared followed by the first session, Power and Sovereignty, moderated by Jonathan Charpentier.
Jonathan welcomed Seava, Azul Vivienne and Chief Phil Lane, Jr. Seava framed the discussion as emphasizing the “restoration of “Original Natural Law government is part of bringing what we call ‘Heaven on Mother Earth Now’ in a non-sectarian universal way, as Sri Yukteswar laid out in The Holy Science, it is time: we’re moving into a good time.” Seava welcomed Chief Phil Lane, Jr. who has been asked to act as Chief of the White Buffalo Nation and the WBN’s spiritual advisor. Seava noted the alternative title for the session is “Positive Prophecy Being Fulfilled,” noting that all of the speakers are Prophecy Keepers. Seava noted the hand of Babaji as being evident in bringing herself and Azul Vivienne together by ‘chance’ in 2017 as Azul Vivienne is one of the only initiates of Sri Umasankar in the Americas and Seava had been praying for Sun Yogi to come to the Americas since 2014.
Asked by Jonathan Charpentier to clarify the names used by the Original Nations to identify the ‘Americas,’ Chief Phil Lane, Jr. explained that Turtle Island refers to North America. Abu Yawa is used widely as the Americas by the indigenous peoples.
Chief Phil Lane, Jr. shared his “warm and loving greetings,” and had just returned from Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico and he expressed his respect for Swamiji’s mission. Chief Phil was born at Haskell Indian School where his mother and father were sent to school. He is an enrolled member of the Yankton Sioux Tribe on his father’s side and on his mother’s from the Chickasaw Nation. 52 years ago he travelled to Bolivia, March 21st, 1970, and “engaged in a prophecy that really comes from the South, from the Incas. In fact we had an Elder sent by a community there” to Chiapas “to verify and to, you might say, really get the whole prophecy straight because you hear a lot about the union of the Condor and Eagle.”
Chief Phil related “For the last 52 years, we have been slowly and surely building the foundation of the Union of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Union of the Condor and the Eagle, particularly spending a lot of time in Latin America because in the Americas there’s now about 80 million indigenous people, as defined by the way the United Nations in terms of speaking their own language, living on the land and so forth.” Chief Phil noted that means “you have over half the population of the Americas” is indigenous, “and, anyway, so back in 1982 we brought Elders together to really begin a formal process of this union and we spent four days and four nights between Christmas and New Years 1982 asking the Elders, how the task we were given by the National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program, how can we address addictions across Canada? And, we said, ‘Well, that’s a pretty big vision, let’s invite the Elders.’” Elders were invited, many who had never gotten together before, “and we asked them this question,” and “what they said was this universe we live in was organized according to natural laws. These physical and spiritual laws are inseparably connected. The physical laws are easy to understand: if you jump off a ten story building on your head, you get a headache. You drink a glass of arsenic you get a stomachache. If you drive a hundred miles an hour into a concrete wall, you get smashed up. Those are natural physical laws,” but they said, “Just as real are the spiritual laws. And the spiritual laws are at the foundation of this,” and they shared the spiritual laws from 1982 until they were completed in 1995. “Then we went to the United Nations” and presented the principles and built on that to develop principles of consultation, and electoral processes” that “are not part of some adversarial type of political process.”
In addition, “a code of ethics and international treaty developed in consultation with indigenous peoples across the Americas and veterans organizations across the United States” and representatives came from colonial nation states with 60 million indigenous people and the first council was elected of the Union of the Condor, Hummingbird, Quetzal and Eagle. The original prophecy fulfilled through 1970 and 71 in Bolivia talked about the Reunion of the Eagle and Condor, the indigenous peoples of the North and South America which was fulfilled with the Eagle coming from the North and after about 18 months of mentoring, we had this incredible ceremony” at Lake Titicaca at the Island of the Sun and the Moon at the Royal Court of the Incas, the fulfillment and the vision to bring together indigenous people across the Americas, as “we went deeper into these prophecies we found them also to be in the Amazon, so where the term ‘Hummingbird’ was added” being the Amazon and “Chiapas is the Quetzal, Central America and the Eagle is North America.”
Chief Phil noted multiple meanings of the different prophecies, but “the results were after wonderful consultations” at the Pyramids; and at La Vintana, deep in the jungle, “We elected a council that represented the indigenous people across the Americas” and “decided there would be thirteen members, seven are women and six are men” including “very young people and older people,” a “great representation of indigenous people across the Americas’ for “one year” and next year they will come together for another election.”
“The main thing is that this prophecy has been fulfilled not just in terms of the Eagle coming from the north in fact but the actual formation of the new union that is bringing together indigenous people across the Americas that is just beginning” and “you can imagine” is “the 80 million indigenous people are coming together to build the digital backbone for the first digital nation upon earth where you have 80 million indigenous people which is the fourth largest nation state in the Americas coming together in a platform we called Indiginet which is a decentralized platform so that nobody is being used to do data mining or use your identity or whatever because I think sovereignty” from Chief Phil’s perspective, “from what I’ve learned in terms of who we are, while we share with the mineral, plant, animal world this physical world of time and space, we have a different dimension of us and that’s our soul. And I believe that when we’re conceived–and now they’ve taken pictures of the conception and kind of a light flashes—and I believe when we’re conceived each of us is a sovereignty, ancient and imperishable and everlasting, each of us is conceived in that manner and I think that that’s where our sovereignty comes from.”
Chief Phil added, “The soul has no gender, has no ethnicity, has no class, has no race” and “is a reflection of the oneness of God, the oneness of our Creator.” Chief Phil noted, “That makes any prejudice completely intolerable and unacceptable” and “when we really realize that that even if something happens to the child within the womb that child still has life, that child is still a sovereignty, ancient and imperishable and everlasting” and as “each one of us, as we awaken to that” and “awaken to the prior oneness and unity of our human family” and “the hurt of one is the hurt of all” and “the honor, the upliftment, the inspiration of one is the upliftment, honor and inspiration of all and I think that’s the foundation.” Chief Phil said the council has been elected and they are moving forward with Allies. He is happy to share the foundation documents.
Chief Phil said, “I think that the foundation of all is the world beyond this world of time and space” which “is reflected through our soul and that’s what gives us this transcendence over the material world. Now each and every one of us have this capacity. All of us do and I think that what I see is that just like around the medicine wheel we go through infancy where we really need to be physically established in the world” and need physical love; the childhood “where you need the emotional” dimension of ourselves really solid and you have moving into our young adulthood, you have the intellectual development.” Chief Phil said then from gaining knowledge in the intellectual capacity, “we begin to gain the spiritual capacities and I think that really you know just like the mother umbilical cord brings to us from the womb world in which we are being prepared for this world; really, we don’t need our arms and ears and eyes and legs inside of the womb world, it’s preparing us for this earth world. I call this my ‘earth suit’ and so here I’m in this womb world so to speak with my earth suit; but I’m most important is what I’m developing in terms of my spiritual being because when I let go of this earth suit, which in time will happen, then what’s most important? Well, obviously, it’s not these things in the physical world.”
Chief Phil noted, “It’s the spiritual arms and legs and eyes I’m doing to prepare me for the worlds to come which are just as great in comparison to this world in which we live right now” which “is huge” and “so, to know that we are conceived this sovereignty. My Uncle Vine used to say, ‘If you’re sovereign, then act sovereign’ and I think that’s what I see indigenous people doing in most cases across the Americas.”
Chief Phil made clear, “I would say this: that what happened here” in the Americas, “was just a clear genocide and theft. There was no treaties honored here and I think now though that’s what’s happening is that as I said the soul has no ethnicity has bo class, has no race; that really now the spiritual dimension is really winning over the materialistic, solely materialistic power, so to speak; and so now we see humanity in this birth canal, as I see it, really having a few more heavy contractions to go. But we are being birthed as a whole new human family, a whole new civilization.”
Jonathan Charpentier asked Chief Phil to define ‘sovereignty,’ and Chief Phil answered, “Sovereignty means to be free and severed from all save the Creator, to know and understand that there’s no one else that can determine my life but myself. If I come before the Elders” and “I say, ‘Well, I blame my sister, Lisa, or I blame Eulah, or I blame somebody else for where I’m at,’ the Elders say, ‘No. Nobody conditions their soul except the person themselves. We have choice. We have sovereignty.’ I think we’re just beginning to awaken to what that means. What does it mean to be sovereign, ancient, imperishable and everlasting? What does that really mean?”
Chief Phil said, “I think we’re in a process now of cleansing our hearts and minds to try to encompass this incredible transformation that’s going on everywhere on Mother Earth so on one hand you hear the death cries of the old; but on the other hand you hear the birth cries of the new. What a time to be alive. And I think that Swamiji’s journey and how he has been utilizing the power of the sun; has been able to go without food for long periods of time and yet have a great happiness, that in itself is a reflection of this understanding that development comes from within. I think that’s where humanity is going.”
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New Youtube Videos
All the videos from the Universal Peace Conference 2023nyou can find direct on our conference page or Youtube playlist.
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The Sunyoga Newsletter has been published by the Universal Peace Centre, located in Lachhipur village, Paschim Medinipur district, Harinagar, in West Bengal, India, 140 km West of Kolkata. For more information, visit the website
The editorial board: Smita Chatterjee, the President of UPC in charge, Vikas Saxena, Ph.D., Axel Johansson, Tristan Bousquet (Prakash), Meena Bindal, and Jonathan Charpentier. Photography: Ivan Dukic, Meena Bindal.
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- Ashram Office: +918348986030