On Sunday morning, February 23rd Sunyogi Umasankar made his second appearance on Truth Frequency Radio. Many episodes from his life was discussed and the interviewer, Eye of Ra, kept the conversation light and interesting. From the excerpt of the show:

Tonight’s amazing show was an instant classic, listen as Swami ji Umasankar the “Sun Yogi” who joins us live from India discusses his life as a spiritual warrior, a healer, and Sun Yoga instructor/ expert. Topics include his mystical experiences in the Ancient Holy city of Benares, using music to battle the corona virus, his imprisonment and Bilocation/ teleportation in Iran, his Universal peace conference, and even how he battled Black magic with his Yogi abilities. In the first half hour Ra Castaldo discusses how China may have hired voodoo practitioners to purchase Donald Trumps hair for evil spells and how a man was arrested in Louisiana for this. Dont miss this show!!!!


Note: Swamiji is joining the show after 40min.


  1. Buenos días. Vivo en Ecuador…y las conferencias de Sunyogi Umasankar no llegan…y si llegan los videos, son en Inglés y no se puede traducir . Siento que son enseñanzas necesarias. Por favor traten de hacer que los videos y conferencias sean traducidas al español. Podría venir a Ecuador a enseñar? Gracias

    1. Author

      Dear Patricio, we have not any person in the team right now that can translate into Spanis, but book Autobiography of Sunyogi is being translated right now to Spanish. Hopefully you can buy in a few months on Amazon. You can invite him to Ecuador. That require that you have someone that is good in English and can translate his lectures.

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